Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lesson #42 Cute little fire trucks!

     Italians have their ways to life, one of which does not include a manual to fire safety. In our apartments in Rome, there is no plan if there is a fire (or at least none that I know about). It's odd really because Italians have gas stoves, but there is one staircase in our building and one exit. There is also no smoke detector. For my family, no smoke detector is a sin. What with grandpa inventing the first battery operated smoke detector and having at least one in every room (including the tree house) since before I was born, it is a bit odd. However, in Italy, I have yet to come across a store that even sells one! It's just not the culture. But, they at least have firetrucks!

     One our way home from dinner one night, we actually saw a fire! I guess it was just a little one, but the cute little firetruck came ripping down the street and set up a ladder to go put it out. The fire was up on the balcony of an 8 story building, so the firemen sent the ladder up there and all we could hear was the sound of a fire extinguisher. Yes, speeding through traffic, sending a ladder 8 stories high and then using a fire extinguisher. Vai Italia!

     Lesson #42: Fire safety is rare in Italy, but they drive cute firetrucks!

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