Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lesson #26 Coffee Vending Machines!

     Oh Italy! Italians know how to celebrate even the small parts of life. For example, this beautiful coffee vending machine in our library. It is adorable! And a small cup is only 0.30 euro! It lets you choose from all the wonderful selections below, caffeinated or decaffeinated (which is tough to come across!), how much sugar you want in it, if you want chocolate or not and how much milk! Seriously, one of the best inventions ever!

     Unfortunately, or fortunately (depending on your point of view), I told my parental units about this fantabulous invention! I even sent them a picture of my cappuccino! However, they were not impressed. They said it was basically a sin to get coffee in ITALY out of a vending machine. I hate to admit they might have a point . . . But the next email I received said they were placing 0.70 euro in my account for each day I had left, so my coffee's from an actual coffee bar would only cost me the 0.30 euro as charged by the vending machine!
     I guess that means I'm sticking with the flirty guy downstairs and taking my coffee with smiley face decorations only!

     Lesson #26: Coffee vending machines are super exciting, but interacting with real people is probably the better route . . .

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