Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lesson #37 Allergic to Italy?

     Am I allergic to Italy? Well, that is a beautiful and charming question. One that I am still wondering about . . . . You see, ever since the 1st day here, I have been suffering allergic reactions like none other. First it was the regular seasonal allergic reactions to pollen and what have you, but then? Random rashes all over my legs? Well, lets just say one of my first real Italian language tests was in the Italian pharmacy.
     In Europe, basically everything is necessary through a doctor's prescription, including Advil and Tylenol. That makes it tricky for unexplained issues, such as leg rashes with unknown causes. I gave up on trying to figure it out and walked into the pharmacy anyway. I tried to explain the situation to her and finally just pointed at my legs, the red splotches all over my legs were fairly apparent in my shorts . . . She just reached over into her stash of magical medicines and handed me a tube that says prescription only in about 6 languages. YAY!!!!!!!!!

     Lesson #37: I'm probably allergic to Italy, but at least I'm friends with the lady at the pharmacy!