Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lesson #33 Rocks are not your friends

     As Kristy can already attest to, rocks are not your friend. We were wonderful at thinking this through. You see, our weekend in Cinque Terre was full of adventures, and our leisure time at the beach was yet another adventure, Kali, Kristy and Alison style!
     Instead of being one of the crowd on the beach, we decided to create our own crowd. Some people may not know this, but the beaches in Cinque Terre are all rock beaches. Where all the people are, are the smaller rocks. They are smooth and nice, but your foot still gets stuck in them if you try to walk through them. Nope, they were not for us. Instead we decided to walk over all those rocks to the big ones. Smart right? 

     Well, they were fine once we finally made it over to them. Getting into the water through a bunch of boulders with the tide trying to bash you up against them? Not so easy . . . Oddly enough, while Kristy and Kali were bleeding all over the place, I didn't have a scratch on me! I call that skill!
     Kristy, on the other hand, did not have much skill, or luck on the rocks. She got pretty banged up and her toe was SUPER bloody. Really gross. But, we learned that maybe being part of the crowd wasn't such a bad idea. It might have actually been smart . . .

     Lesson #33: Rocks are not your friend . . . pretty self explanatory . . .

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