Sunday, October 9, 2011

Lesson #21 Exact Change!

     So, with each country there is a simple rule, cultural custom or just something you don't do. In Italy, that is not paying with exact change. Exact change is a big deal here. If you try to pay for a cappuccino with anything over a 2 euro coin, you get evil glares. It goes back to the evil nun glaring at me, it's like that, only these people don't have a vow of silence! So, when you get 50 euro bills from the ATM, you have to be very strategic in how you spend them. I tried to pay for  5 euro purchase at the local supermarket with a 50 euro bill and the checker just stopped and absolutely refused to even touch my money. He looked like he might kiss me when I found a 5 euro bill wedged between my credit cards. But if you don't have exact change, you will get the stink eye all the way out the store!

     Lesson #21: Pay with exact change!

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