Friday, December 9, 2011

Lesson #52 Photography Professor vs. Bartok faceoff

     An interesting aspect of being here in Rome is my classes. Now, of course I took some classes that would complete my study abroad experience as being more abroad than study, hence my Photography class. Now you think that a photography class would be loads of fun, especially in a place like Rome, right? But what you wouldn't expect is the fact that we spend most of our time in a dark classroom talking about other people's work for hours at a time! 
     Well, when you are taking a class that is so focused on talking and less on the actual learning process, you tend to find things to distract you, like your professor's voice. Which is good because that means you are actually listening to him, right?? 
     So, my photography professor has a slight Boston accent and a slight lisp, so when he gets excited, he tends to sound like Bartok from Anastasia. 

     Is it bad that all I wanna do is ask him to say that line? Probably . . . 
     So, Lesson #52: Bartok wins.

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