Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lesson #6 Express Buses

     Express Buses. The word express makes it sound like a super bus, but its not . . . The word express actually means very few stops, long distances and DON'T MISS YOUR STOP! The thing about buses in Rome is that you have to push a stop button if you want them to actually stop. Problem is, you have to know where that stop is, and if not, well you are stranded on that bus until it comes back around. Unfortunately, with express buses, they don't go back the same route. We discovered this the hard way trying to get to a movie theater up near the Borghese Gardens. We got on the bus going the wrong direction and ended up sitting and waiting for the driver to have his cigarette. Then we FINALLY made it to the movie, only 5 minutes late mind you! However, after the movie, we couldn't find the bus stop to go down the hill and ended up having a nighttime tour of Rome, waiting for another cigarette to be finished and two hours later finally getting home.

     Lesson learned? Express buses don't actually mean you will get there sooner. Most likely you will get a beautiful tour of Rome. Hence, Lesson #6: Express Buses . . .

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