Sunday, September 25, 2011

#1 Watch where you step!

     In Italy, especially in Rome, there are certain things you need to watch out for. A prime example being dog poop on the street. Italians love their dogs. You see them out walking all the time. Big dogs, small dogs, plenty of chihuahuas, as well as a lot of cats. This amount of dogs and cats on the streets means only one thing, the same amount of poop. Well, Italians don't especially like picking up after their dogs or cats, so the walk to school in the morning is an adventure skipping from one clean part of pavement to the next. Unfortunately for some people who have not yet had their morning cappuccino, this is not the best part of their day. If you happen to be one of those poor unfortunate souls, you tend to slide before you even realize what has happened, curse when you realize exactly what you steeped in, and hear the laughter from the bank security guard all the way down the street.

     Needless to say, Lesson #1: Watch where you step!

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