Monday, November 7, 2011

Lesson #45 People are nice!

     If all else fails, look extremely lost and try to ask for directions. Luckily, I'm a girl and don't have the strange complex that men have about asking for directions. On our chocolate adventure to Perugia, the city somehow managed to shut down all the public transportation out of the city and only had buses coming in. Unfortunately, we wanted to leave the city of chocolate heaven and could not manage to leave. Some people might of seen this as a sign to stay and eat MORE chocolate. But unfortuanately, we had midterms, so even signs like no transportation out of the city, must be ignored.
     There is a major bus station in the center of Perugia that was somehow miraculously managed to get to there and realized there really no buses leaving the city. In an interesting turn of events, people were amazingly nice! They actually tried their best to help us, which in Rome is more of a 'do it yourself' kind of attitude. They pointed us in the correct direction for the bus (always a first step) and then managed to convince a bus driver to take us to the train station. It was off the kindness of others trying to help that we finally managed to make our train out of Perugia. And the bus didn't even stop for anyone else on the way down.


     Therefore, the moral of this story: Lesson #45: In towns where there are chocolate festivals, people eat chocolate, chocolate makes people happy, happy people are nice people, and nice people like to help!